Belated Thanksgiving wishes to all. It was bittersweet. But I think I say that in a good way, actually, because it brought about a bit of reflection. Here is the little status snippet I posted on yesterday.
"I keep not posting because I vacillate between overwhelming gratitude for so many blessings and (small, sheepish voice) feeling very homesick for family and friends! Since the latter is a sort of blessing--great to have people I love and miss, right?--I guess I will be thankful even for the tinge of blues I feel at times today. Wishing much love and a happy day of gratitude and thankful reflection to all!"
Not only were the replies to my status report very sweet and encouraging, but the process of typing out that status report made me think of the reality that it's a blessing to have people you love and miss. It's a blessing to have so many happy memories of Thanksgiving over the years. The very presence of a wistful yearning to be in the U.S. in the midst of that Thanksgiving vibe, or able to pick up the phone and speak to loved ones and not have such huge time zone differences preclude a call (or significantly shift the tenor from excited connection to groggy disbelief) are reminders that I have many blessings for which to be thankful.
And, to be sure, I have a great deal to be thankful for right here in Kisumu. I have people right here in Kisumu I already love and enjoy so much! I have experiences here that I wouldn't trade. And, I sort of feel a kinship to the spirit of that first Thanksgiving when people came to a new place and started flourishing there. Mind you, my journey has not been nearly so rugged. Still, those first six weeks or so in our new home saw many ups and downs. I sometimes joke that they lasted for years and then the following months flew by in about a week's time. I am thankful that life is so full and happy here that time zips along in a good way. I am thankful for all the strange and new things that no longer feel strange and new. I am thankful for all that I have yet to discover. I am even optimistically thankful for the day when I will be amazed that I once would not drive around here. That "once" phase is where I live now, but I am thinking positive that I am going to get the courage and confidence to do a bit of pushing myself on that front.
I am not sure how well I am articulating. The bottom line is that I spent a lot of time yesterday being grateful to God for all the places where He has taken me in the past and thankful for where He has me now. I am thankful for so many amazing people I have gotten to encounter in all those places. I am thankful for technology that lets me connect with people near and far.
And, to be sure, along with giving thanks, I also spent part of yesterday eating turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. And so many other yummy and examples of classic American Thanksgiving fare. We joined a number of other expats and it was very nice indeed.
And, as so often occurs on this blog, I have a few anecdotes about the kidlets I want to remember.
Last week, just before bed, I had Micah and Tiras on my lap. Tiras was being fussy and Micah had been in rare form pushing my buttons that day. And I had not, alas, always been the picture of grace, wisdom, and patience in my response to that button pushing. But day's end had arrived, as it always does, and we were all three sitting on the green rocker together and I said a little bedtime prayer.
Micah and I had just been reading about Jonah and The Whale and the story talked about a second chance for Jonah and a second chance for Nineveh and after our own rocky day, I was inspired to thank God for giving second chances and helping us move forward and do better in the future and for loving us all the same. And that started a roll of thanking Him for various things, such as Daddy coming back home safely from the U.S. and Ghana, a great week at school, good friends, and how much Tiras and Micah love each other.
I was about to say Amen, but asked Micah if he wanted to thank God for something (as he does when we say dinner grace each night) and he emphatically whispered "yes!" and this is what he added: "God, I really think you are the best person in the whole world! Because you're God! And I really like this prayer we're saying to you!" It's hard to convey his earnest and sincere and effusive tone and it was just a really sweet moment. I think we both felt comforted and encouraged about the character and love and mercy of God! Nothing like a little praise to just make a grouchy and/or off day melt away! And nothing like seeing your kiddo caught up in his own love and enthusiasm for God. A very sweet moment indeed!
And, today, Micah's class performed "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" at Friday Assembly. They had made their own paper oars and were all rowing as they sang. They had on cute sailor hats and just looked generally happy and adorable. The other "Early Years" classes performed as well and if they could bottle up the cuteness and sweetness of all those little kids and the smiles of the older kids watching them along with the smiles of all the adults, well, my goodness, the world would just be all hearts and rainbows here on out! All three classes got a bit of stage fright and shyness, but the audience loved them and Micah felt just thrilled by the performance. I really did not see him moving his mouth to sing, but he was belting it out at home after school today and he remembered himself as singing. And I think it's nice that in his mind, he was happily singing and performing--it was clearly a positive experience.
As for Mr. Tiras. He makes me smile. Mind you, he has started his run of the "Terrible Twos" early and can sure throw a tantrum with the best of em. And I read a P.ublix parenting newsletter for this age range which mentions the emerging trend of hitting and Tiras is proving to be right on track with that as well. And he loves to hurl food and sippy cups to convey his displeasure at anything ranging from no longer being hungry but still sitting in his high chair to being given juice he has asked for, but in a sippy cup he has apparently not envisioned holding his beverage of choice this time around to not being understood as he emphatically speaks to us in words we don't yet interpret correctly. And those moments can feel long and my patience can feel short. And, yet, when I think of Tiras, I just smile. There is something about that lumbering walk and bruiser swagger and happy giggle that just grabs my heart. And, of course, the daily snuggles into my shoulder with that sweet little head pretty much melt my heart.
Though I earlier alluded to words he uses which we do not correctly interpret, there are some new words we are successfully identifying. He now tells us to "See, See!" and/or "Look!" at "burps" (birds). And yes, I am apparently an eight year old boy at heart because that makes me crack up every time. (Hee, hee, he said burps!) Must be genetic because whenever Tiras actually does burp, he looks at me and cracks up. It's like he KNOWS my secret sense of humor already. There were other words this week, but as I sit to type this I realize that "burp" has eclipsed them all for me. Oh well...
Big news for Tiras last week was that he had his first haircut. Micah had the very good idea of doing a brother haircut wherein he would go first so that Tiras could see how it all worked and be less afraid. Tiras watched with rapt attention and seemed quite happy and calm. When Micah was finished, Tiras seemed to sit in my lap with happy readiness. If you have spotted the operative word "seems", good on you. As soon as the smock went on, the tears flowed. The tears did not stop until the haircut was over and he and I were out of that chair. He did manage to give the hair stylist a smiley high five, so evidently there were no lingering hard feelings.
Will leave you with some closing shots of Tiras getting his first haircut. Deron and I will try and get a more chipper shot of him tomorrow as well as one where you can see the new look he is sporting. Will also leave you with wishes for a very happy weekend!