Below: Micah roaring "in Lion" to his favorite resident of the park.
On Sunday we ventured out to Impala Park, which is located right next to Lake Victoria. We immediately viewed lots of impalas serenely munching on grass and then were treated to the sight of three hippos (one of which was a baby) surfacing to get breaths of air every few minutes or so! It is actually fairly rare to see hippos so close to shore, so we were very fortunate. Shortly after our arrival, a welcoming committee of curious monkeys came our way to inspect our stroller and the picnic goodies our friends had brought along with them to the park. It was a wonderful outing and just what we needed after a couple weeks of moving in mode!
The sanctuary also has some caged animals and Micah thrilled to the sight of a leopard, two cheetahs, and his beloved lions! Micah has informed us that he speaks lion and quickly began roaring a friendly hello to the large male lion. Although the lion appeared unresponsive to adult eyes, Micah was delighted to inform us that the lion understood him because he had thought to speak in lion.
I am wearing a big smile after reading your account of your visit to Impala Park. I have NO doubt that the male lion was very appreciative of both Micah's inspiration and ability to "speak lion". Hope you were able to get some pictures of the happy day!